User Portal
The HR Classroom user portal is customizable (i.e., the user home page can be customized to appear that it is part of the company's web site) and will allow each user of the training system to:
- See and take the trainings available to the user
- See and take the required trainings that have been assigned to that user
- See the completed training history by the user
- Print off certificates showing they completed a training
The Advanced Compliance System allows the administrator of the system to send out emails to the users to take the trainings required of them. The email contains a link that allows the user to immediately take a training without logging into the system.
The Advanced Compliance System also allows the administrator to set up a time span in which users should take trainings. In other words, it can be set up so that trainees must take a training every 6 months or 12 months or 2 years, etc. In addition, it will leave out employees who have taken trainings within the time span. The time span feature can be set up to work in perpetuity.
The user portal will show the user/trainee every training they should be taking.