Content Customization
HR Classroom allows you to customize your trainings with your own policies, images, video, audio, powerpoints, and more! Here are a few examples:
Example #1
Use one of your own videos that you would like your employees to watch, then add your company policy, a few more pages of content and quiz questions. The completion of the training is tracked by the system and it is a great way to avoid traveling around the country to show a video to your employees.
Example #2
Place a powerpoint that you would like your employees to watch in our system, add quiz questions, and provide it to your employees. The system will track completion.
Example #3
You have an idea for a training and some content but you don't know how to put it together. Give it to us and we will do it for you!
Example #4
You have a training but you need it translated into other languages and placed in our system. We can do that!
Example #5
Modify one of the trainings in our system for your particular purposes.
Example #6
You want to pass out a new policy to all your employees? Our system can do it and you can track and report on all who have reviewed it!
Training Custom Policy and Acknowledgment Example