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Training Builder

HR Classroom's U-Build Custom Training Creation Tool

  1. Full functioning on-line training creation tool similar to Microsoft Power Point or Word.
  2. Choose between our Compliance Format or our E-Book Format training styles.
  3. Paste your text right into our WYSIWYG Editor (What You See is What You Get).
  4. If you have HTML skills, U-Build includes full HTML editing of Training pages.
  5. Upload Photos, Videos, Graphics, Adobe Flash, and Audio.
  6. Total assistance from HR Classroom's Customer Care or Technical Staff.
  7. Additional design or programming assistance available.
  8. Works with Adobe Captivate Flash files and other files published from Content Creation Tools.
  9. Create quiz questions with audio and answer responses, and include optional quiz scoring.
  10. The ability to create and insert custom policies in any training.
  11. Translation services available.

Sign up for a free trial to create and take your training